that gives me butterflies!
This is Rob and Katherine Brown. We met them while living on the East Coast. We were all stationed at Dover Air Force Base and were all fairly newly married. We hung out, had Thanksgiving dinner together, played games, Katherine taught us funny sign language and we laughed a lot. We fell instantly in love with the Browns. The friendship came easy and we shared many fun times together. We were able to only spend 7 short months together before we were stationed and moved to a different base. The Browns stayed a little longer in Delaware and were then transferred to Alaska. That was the last we had heard of them....although their names and memories have been spoken about many times over the years in our home. This was how we remembered them. Although we did see them one night during their transfer to Alaska with their new little baby boy.
This is the Brown family now!
That's right 4 children! Can you even imagine the butterflies I had when they found us on Facebook! I was thrilled. I had tried to search for them but Brown was just too common of a last name. I waited 7 long hours waiting for her to respond on Facebook to find out where they were living. When she responded "Okinawa, Japan" my heart dropped, then raced again when she followed it with "but we are being transferred in February to Northern California....just 30 minutes away from our home!
We just spent last evening with the Brown Family.....all six of them. And I fell in love with their children right away. I knew I would. I already loved their mom and dad. We picked right up where we left off over 8 years ago. And saying good-bye when they left last night was exciting because we know we will be seeing lots of them!
I love good friends. I love good friends that you haven't seen in years and when you do it feels like you've never been apart. Welcome to Northern California Brown Family. You give me butterflies!
What a blessing to be reconnected with old friends. They look like a lovely family! I'm happy for you all.
Oh my gosh... what a welcome! I feel so loved! It was so hard to leave Okinawa but knowing we were coming to California to live by the Kennedy's makes it all worth it! You guys are FABULOUS! How did we get so lucky. I am so excited for the next few years. Butterflies for sure!
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